Top 5 Tips for Dealing with Negative Holiday Emotions

Well Thanksgiving is over and that marks the beginning of the holiday season.  It actually seems it is starting earlier and earlier these days.  It seems like everyone is trying to get a head start. Even before Halloween the Christmas decor was going up everywhere. Being ahead of the game is a great way to ward off negative feelings. This brings me to my first tip to de-stress during the holidays.


#1 Be Prepared:  Many people look forward to the holidays, but there are also many who don’t.  It can be a time of stress and even sadness.  Regardless of the emotions it brings up, it is always a good idea to be prepared.  Just like getting a head start on holiday decorating we need to prepare for the sometimes ugly feelings that are going to come up in many of us.  We often find ourselves becoming overwhelmed and feeling the pressure to make everything perfect.  Acknowledge what you are feeling and decide what your priorities are.  Learn to say no and don’t overbook yourself.  


#2 Be Grateful:  Thanksgiving reminds us to be thankful but I challenge you to keep reminding yourself of what you are thankful for throughout the holidays and even after that.  It’s so easy to become negative during this time of year, wishing we had more than what we have.  Take 5 or 10 minutes each day and either in your head or on paper make a list of what you are thankful for. I promise it will make things a little more bearable.


#3: Find time for yourself:  So much is expected of us this time of year.  Women especially come out the other side of the hustle and bustle feeling completely depleted.  Find time each day to do something for you.  Exercise, especially if it’s outside, helps decrease anxiety.   Even if a 90 min full body massage isn’t an option, offer to trade massages with your partner or your kids.  Even just listening to music is a great way to find some calm in your busy day. It doesn’t matter how big or small it is just make sure you find time for something that you enjoy.


#4 Make the holidays your own: Don’t feel that you have to stick with old customs.  This can be especially helpful if you are sad or grieving.  Start some new traditions or maybe even spice up the old ones.  


#5 Ask for help!:  Seriously, you just need to ask!  Don’t assume people are going to just jump in and help with shopping, party prep and clean up.  Often people want to help but they just don’t know what to do.  If despite all of your efforts you still feel like it’s all a bit too much, the support of a life coach can help you clarify your values and what’s important.  Sometime just having someone who understands can make all the difference. 


May the holidays be full of love, stress-free and allow you to Discover Your Best Self!

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